Why do I urge all pastors to preach expository sermons?

There are all kinds of different  sermons a preacher can preach:  Doctrinal, evangelistic, topical, and several other kinds of sermons that are not bad in themselves and have their place.  But that does not change my deep conviction that the best way to preach God’s word faithfully and accurately is to preach expository sermons.  That does not change the most helpful steady diet for a pastor to feed his people with the word of God week after week is expository sermons.

For those unfamiliar with this kind of sermon, an expository sermon is a sermon that flows and is built completely upon a text, not an idea or topic.  I explained it this way.  Imagine a stack of building blocks where the bottom foundation block is a text of Scripture (not a topic) and all the other blocks are built upon that one block.  There are many reasons I am convinced expository sermons, specifically through whole books of the Bible, are the best, most helpful, and most faithful way for a pastor to feed his people regularly.  But here are a few reasons that seem to keep coming up through discussions with pastors unfamiliar with this approach to preaching.

  1. Expository sermons affirm the authority, power, and sufficiency of Scripture.

  2. Expository sermons help our people know how to read their Bibles as intended.

  3. Expository sermons help keep a pastor focused on preaching God’s words verses human words.

If you are a pastor, do not ignore my urging for you to preach expository sermons as the regular, steady diet to feed your people with the word of God.  The word of God gives life to a church, but we must regularly and faithfully give it to them for the seeds of the word to fall on good soil and bear fruit.  I am convinced expository preaching is the best way to sow those seeds.