Over 3 billion live on less than $2.50 a day.
Over 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty.
(Less than $1.25 a day)
22,000 children die due to poverty everyday.
In the world’s poorest communities, life is extremely hard. Life expectancy is low, crime is high, drug and alcohol addiction is extensive, and mental health issues, abuse, and neglect are widespread. Many churches in poor communities lack access to affordable and relatable training, and church leaders often feel ill-equipped and under-resourced. But there is also something special about these places. There’s a rich sense of community and loyalty, and many people are proud to call these areas home. Church in Hard Places is working to see churches planted and revitalized in the world’s poorest communities.
Church in Hard Places equips ministry leaders to thrive in the trenches of pastoral ministry by providing:
We seek to influence churches, agencies, networks, and other gospel-centered ministries to train and support leaders of healthy churches in poor or remote communities around the world.
We train church leaders working in hard places by providing the CiHP Apprenticeship and hosting workshops and other training events.
We produce resources designed to serve, equip, and highlight the unique needs of the church in hard places.
We provide ongoing counsel, coaching, and care to those engaged in building healthy churches in hard places.
The Apprenticeship
We offer a 2-year non-residential apprenticeship for church leaders working in areas of deep poverty. Many such leaders lack access to training or the training they do receive does not prepare them for planting in impoverished areas.
Our apprenticeship program is led by local leaders who are seasoned practitioners - all of them have led churches in areas of poverty.
The apprenticeship is peer-supported and accomplished through a cohort, allowing men from similar contexts to learn from each other.
The apprenticeship provides practical training at in-person intensive gatherings to develop pastoral leadership and preaching competencies.
The apprenticeship is virtual and is delivered via Zoom, WhatsApp, and our online learning platform. Each apprentice receives a library of books to help them grow in their biblical convictions. The curriculum has been developed by proven practitioners and written in a style that can be understood by those with lower levels of literacy.
Our workshops help equip the local church to think better
about how to engage those living in deprived communities.
We help assist church leaders to practically shepherd those
facing real issues like . . .
Abuse, Addictions, Mental health
crime, trauma, illiteracy
Partner with us.
Train church leaders to build healthy churches in some of the world’s poorest communities.
Adopt a Cohort
Up to $10,000 a year
Would you adopt one of our regional cohorts to help provide books, monthly cohort meetings, and an annual regional intensive retreat? We have cohorts in 15 regions worldwide in 5 language groups, with plans to launch future cohorts in India, Philippines, North Africa, and Poland. We invite you to join us at our regional intensive events to support the training of our apprentices.
Sponsor an Apprentice
$500 a year
Would you consider adopting a CiHP Apprentice as they make their way through the apprenticeship program? Each apprentice is a church leader working in a remote community or an area of urban deprivation. Commit to a region and we will match your sponsorship to an apprentice from that region each year.
Gifts by check may be made payable to Church in Hard Places and mailed to Church in Hard Places, PO Box 1491 Bardstown, Kentucky 40004. Please include your email address and phone number. Please contact msd@churchinhardplaces.org or 502-690-6394 with any questions.