Video Resources

"I am the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14: 1-31) // Brian Croft

Cultivating the sustaining gift of ministry friendships

The Good Shepherd and good shepherds // Brian Croft

I Was Getting Threats from People in my Church | Brian Croft

Replant Summit 2023: The Relationships Needed for Renewal

How to Shepherd Your Kids | Brian Croft

Replant Summit 2022 | The Call of a Pastor

Replant Summit 2021 | Surviving and Thriving Amidst Adversaries

Sing Scotland 2019 | The Pastor's Soul

Boyce College 2020 | True Strength Comes in Weakness

9Marks 2016 | Raising up elders and deacons when there are none? - Brian Croft

Southern Seminary 2015 | Should I Plant or Revitalize a Church?