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in the 5-years of the replant cohort, over 1,000 pastors have participated from 46 states and 26 countries.

Be a part of the 2024 Cohort as Brian Croft, founder of Practical Shepherding and author of Biblical Church Revitalization, will lead over one-hundred pastors through a FREE 1-Year Cohort on the area of Revitalization/Replanting. You can find the curriculum below.


Complete this brief application for the 2024 NAMB Replant Cohort with Brian Croft. We ask about: you personally, your ministry, and your family. It shouldn’t take long to complete but please provide as much detail as possible. If you have questions or concerns as you fill it out feel free to email sean@practicalshepherding.org

Though the cohort is FREE, unfortunately not everyone will be able to participate. With limited space and the purpose of training for those in (or aspiring towards) vocational ministry, not all will be admitted into the cohort.