To thrive means to flourish. When we are thriving we are growing into all that the Lord intends for us. But most pastors and their churches are far from thriving. They are hurting.
We can change that!
Practical Shepherding helps thousands of pastors and their churches all around the world.
We are mentoring and training hundreds of pastors and church planters who are enrolled in one of our pastoral cohorts.
We are providing counseling, friendship, and support to ministry wives and women in ministry.
We are caring for the pastor and his family as we invite them to enjoy a free spiritual renewal retreat in one of 6 Shepherd House locations.
We are developing content that helps pastors and ministry leaders know how to most effectively lead, grow, and care for their congregation.
Follow on social media here.
Will you help us do even more? We have the opportunity to help hundreds of pastors and churches in some of the hardest to reach places in the US and around the world. With your gift, Practical Shepherding will be able to…
Launch 4 new Rural Ministry Cohorts to care and train pastors in small towns and rural
communities throughout the USA.
Launch a new Practical Shepherding HUB in NorthEast USA to provide support, counseling, and care for pastors and church planters in that spiritually dark region of America.
Launch a cohort to provide training and support to pastors and church planters in
Launch Spanish language cohorts that provide training and support for church leaders in every Latin American country.