Ep. 283: The importance of pastoral application in sermons

Is a sermon without application still preaching? What role does shepherding play in effective application? How can a pastor use his time wisely to craft pointed application?

Brian and Jim discuss these questions and more on this episode of Trench Talk

Ep. 283: The importance of pastoral application in sermons
Brian Croft and Jim Savastio

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(02:51) Biblical Framework and Setting up the Topic

(09:48) Balancing exposition and application

(16:15) Keeping the congregation engaged in application

(19:26) Thinking through application

(21:26) Application from shepherding the flock

(23:00) Beware of oversharing or abusing the pulpit

(24:16) Sniper versus Shotgun

(26:52) Encouragement to apply the text

(28:22) Avoid laziness in preparing application

(29:12) Get your applications from the text

(30:17) Prayer