Ep. 160: Leading Without Lording
The Church in the 21st century is riddled with member autonomy and authoritarianism from the pulpit. What does Scripture provide as a model for leadership that guards against both? What are practical ways pastors can Lead without Lording? What parameters can be set up to guard against lording over the flock?
Listen as Brian and Jim discuss these questions and much more on this episode of Trench Talk.
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(1:31) Biblical Foundations for faithfully leading.
(5:45) Lording in secular vocations versus in the Church.
(8:42) When the pulpit turns into a plat1form.
(11:30) The need of a tender conscience.
(13:41) Acknowledging the reality of the Chief-Shepherd.
(18:40) The blessing of plurality.
(24:00) The importance of relational collateral