Guilt Amidst Pastoral Rest

How do pastors pursue rest while laboring faithfully? Isn’t rest a natural and needed aspect of the rhythm of humanity? How should pastors think about the guilt that prevents them from taking time to rest?

Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.

Show Notes:

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  • (2:41) Biblical Foundation of Actual Guilt and False Guilt

  • (7:20) The Idol of work and the fear of Laziness

  • (9:13) The Place of Guilt in not Resting

  • (11:18) Self-awareness in acknowledging guilt and not resting

  • (17:15) Mental and practical considerations to confronting guilt and pursuing rest

  • (21:55) Confronting a misinformed conscience and misplaced guilt

  • (23:42) Being misled about rest and work by other examples

  • (24:30) Practical pursuits to develop systems for rest

  • Articles on Sabbaticals and Rest

  • The Pastor’s Soul by Brian Croft and Jim Savastio