Ep. 255: Advancing the Church

Introducing Advancing the Church (ATC) and what is it? Who is involved in ATC and are we looking to add more organizations? Why do we think a coalition like ATC is necessary and why now? How can pastors, partners, planters support ATC?

Brian Croft is joined by Steve Bray of Mile one Mission and Matthew Spandler-Davison of 20schemes to discuss this important coalition of ministries on this episode of Trench Talk.

Show Notes:

  • (01:46) Steve Bray of Mile One Mission

  • (06:08) Matthew Spandler-Davison of 20schemes and Church in Hard Places

  • (12:17) What is Advancing the Church (ATC)?

  • (16:24) Are we adding more to this coalition?

  • (23:11) Why ATC?

  • (28:20) How you can support Advancing the Church

Find out more at advancingthechurch.com