News — Practical Shepherding
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Brian Croft and Practical Shepherding release 2023 End of Year Newsletter


Executive director Brian croft provides ministry updates for 2023.

To stay up to date on all that God is doing through Practical Shepherding, you can download the full PDF version of the Newsletter here.


Brian Croft and Practical Shepherding release 2022 End of Year Newsletter


Executive director Brian croft provides ministry updates for 2022.

To stay up to date on all that God is doing through Practical Shepherding, you can download the full PDF version of the Newsletter here.


Brian Croft and Practical Shepherding release Spring 2022 Newsletter


Executive director Brian croft provides ministry updates for Spring 2022.

To stay up to date on all that God is doing through Practical Shepherding, you can download the full PDF version of the Newsletter here.


“Kentucky Today” covers story on the Shepherd’s House


Shepherd's House provides getaway for stressed pastors who need a rest

“Brian Croft understands the stress that comes with being a pastor.

He served 17 years as a pastor of Auburndale Baptist Church and said his first five years were especially difficult. Croft is now in the role of giving young pastors counsel, a respite and a chance to clear their heads through a place called Shepherd’s House. It’s all part of the Practical Shepherding program that was developed for pastoral training.

Sometimes, Croft said, pastors just need to get away to a getaway.

Croft is the director of Practical Shepherding, which is in its 10th year. While it’s now a national program, with support from NAMB and Replant, the Practical Shepherding getaway is in Spencer County, just outside Taylorsville, Kentucky. That makes it perfect for Kentucky Baptist pastors, many who are only a short drive away. The six-bedroom cabin is nicely furnished and gives frustrated pastors not only a place to get away but includes three hours of counseling from pastors who understand – all for no cost.”


Brian Croft releases End of the Year ministry update for 2021


Executive director Brian croft provides ministry updates for 2021.

To stay up to date on all that God is doing through Practical Shepherding, you can download the full PDF version of the Newsletter here.


Brian Croft releases Fall ministry update for 2021


Executive director Brian croft provides ministry updates for the fall.

To stay up to date on all that God is doing through Practical Shepherding, you can download the full PDF version of the Newsletter here.


Brian Croft releases third ministry update for 2021


Executive director Brian croft provides ministry updates for the summer.

To stay up to date on all that God is doing through Practical Shepherding, you can download the full PDF version of the Newsletter here.

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Newly released: A família do pastor by Cara and Brian Croft.


A família do pastor (2021)

Brian and Cara Croft co-authored book The Pastor’s Family has now been translated into Portuguese through Ministério Fiel. A família do pastor is a written compilation of ordination sermons of Andrew Fuller that seek to instruct, from the insights of the past, how pastors can navigate the tumult of pastoral ministry. You can purchase your copy here.


Brian Croft releases second ministry update for 2021


Executive director Brian croft provides ministry updates including a recap of the first annual pastors retreat.

To stay up to date on all that God is doing through Practical Shepherding, you can download the full PDF version of the Newsletter here.

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Now Available for Pre-Order!

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Releasing in Spring 2021, pre-order Practically Trained Pastors today


 Founder and Pastor Brian Croft transitions to full-time Executive Director of Practical Shepherding

Louisville, KY— Long-time pastor of Auburndale Baptist Church in Louisville and Practical Shepherding founder Brian Croft made his transition to full-time ministry as executive director of Practical Shepherding effective January 1, 2021.

Given the continued growth of the ministry, Croft says now, “seems to be a strategic opportunity to commit myself to this important ongoing work fully.”

This transition will allow Croft to devote his time fully to the work of helping pastors thrive in the trenches of ministry through increased travel and speaking, as well as counseling and consulting among other ministry to pastors and churches. Of this important work Croft says, “I am filled with joy and excitement at the thought of being able to give myself fully to this important work.”

We are excited to see all that God does through the continued and growing ministry of Practical Shepherding. Please continue to pray for us.

You can read more about Brian’s transition in his article My Ministry Transition.

You can listen to two sermons at Auburndale during Brian’s transition here:

  1. Farewell sermon by Brian CroftGod's Design for a Pastor and his Congregation — Auburndale Baptist Church

  2. Commissioning sermon by Jim Savastio: Commissioning Service for Brian Croft — Auburndale Baptist Church


Exciting addition to the ministry!

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glenna marshall joining practical shepherding march 1.

We are excited to announce the addition of Glenna Marshall to Practical Shepherding! Glenna will begin her role as Social Media Director for the Women’s Ministry on March 1.

A little about Glenna,

  • Ministry wife for over 16-years.

  • Her and her husband live and minister in southeast Missouri with their two sons.

  • Knows both the joys and griefs of local church ministry.

  • Longs to connect hurting women with the comfort of Scripture, a listening ear, and encouragement in daily faithfulness.

  • She is the author of two books, The Promise is His Presence and Everyday Faithfulness, and writes regularly at her blog on suffering, biblical literacy, and God’s faithfulness.

Look for her impact in forthcoming blog posts, and on the women’s ministry social media outlets (Below).


Women’s Ministry Director, Cara Croft to speak at Kentucky Baptist Convention Women’s Conference.


Cara croft, Practical shepherding women’s ministry director to speak at state women’s conference March 20-21.

Teaching from Isaiah 43:19, Croft will speak on the fact that no matter how bleak the circumstances may be, God makes "All Things New." You can register here.


NEW Article on how a pastor can evaluate his sermon 1-hour after preaching it.

This might surprise you, but one of the most dangerous times for a pastor are the hours following his Sunday sermon. You step down from the pulpit still wired and juices flowing as you greet those leaving from the service.  Then, like after a good jog, you begin to calm down, your body starts to return to “I’m not preaching mode” which then brings a temporary, but real emotional let down with it. Read it here.


New Trenchtalk episode on confronting cynicism in pastoral ministry.


Confronting pastoral cynicism

In ministry we preach the deep truths of God’s sovereignty and action in the world, but what happens when a pastor has preached yet becomes a cynic and begins to doubt that this action will be seen in his ministry? Is this sin that should be confessed and confronted? These topics and more, all discussed in this NEW episode of Trenchtalk with Brian Croft and Jim Savastio. Listen here.


On this week’s Trenchtalk Podcast Jim and Brian discuss the topic, What if the Pastor’s Kids are the Only Kids in the Church?”


On the newest episode of Trench Talk Brian Croft and Jim Savastio discuss How a pastor can shepherd his family and kids, when they are the only ones in the church. They’ll answer questions like: Is it okay to have the mentality that my kids and wife should sacrifice for my ministry? How do we parent in a way that will lead them to love the Lord and the Church? All things Brian and Jim discuss on this episode of Trench Talk. Listen here…


On the newest episode of Trench Talk Brian Croft and Jim Savastio discuss the necessity and practicality of premarital counseling. What resource (or resources) do you take a couple through? Is it really necessary to counsel couples preparing for marriage? All things Brian and Jim discuss on this episode of Trench Talk. Listen here…


Practical Shepherding partners with book publisher 10 of Those to offer online bookstore.


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Founder, Brian Croft Speaks in chapel at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary on Ministry adversaries.

Many times pastors turn away from adversaries in ministry. By either responding harshly, rashly, or by leaving all together. Paul in 1 Corinthians 16, however, gives a different paradigm, acknowledging the presence of adversaries as reason to stay not leave.

Brian Croft, Senior Pastor of Auburndale Baptist Church and Senior Fellow for the Mathena Center for Church Revitalization preaches a Chapel message from 1 Corinthians 16:5-9.

Newly released:Being a Pastor by Michael A.G. Haykin and Brian Croft.

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Being a pastor (2019)

Founder, Brian Croft has recently co-authored a new book with prolific church historian Dr. Michael A.G. Haykin. Being a Pastor is a written compilation of ordination sermons of Andrew Fuller that seek to instruct, from the insights of the past, how pastors can navigate the tumult of pastoral ministry. You can purchase your copy here.


New podcast on church planting and pastoral ministry

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Special guest Al Pino, Cuban-American pastor and church planter from South Florida, joins Brian in this episode. What is the church, and for what does the church exist? How does a pastor with a heart for missions plant a church in a diverse place like bustling, hustling Miami? What must a pastor/church-planter understand about himself? What role does pastoral gifting play in the work of church planting? Why do planting pastors have relatively short tenures in the churches they plant? What advice might an older church planter give to his younger self? Listen as Brian and Al discuss these issues and more in this episode.

Pastoring and Church Planting
Brian Croft and Al Pino