Ep. 257: Decisions around missions giving

How does a church appropriate missions giving? How can pastors lead their congregation to be strategic and intentional in missions giving? How can a church prioritize giving when church funds are limited? How do you determine who receives support and who doesn’t?

Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.

Show Notes:

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  • (02:07) Biblical framework for giving for gospel advancement

  • (06:02) How Reformed Baptist Church Louisville determined missions giving

  • (10:00) Cooperative Program giving for Auburndale and other Southern Baptist Churches

  • (14:48) How do we appropriate missions giving as a church?

  • (18:12) Being strategic and intentional in missions giving

  • (22:44) Prioritizing when church funds are limited

  • (25:57) Determining who receives support and who doesn’t

  • (29:12) Final word and prayer