Posts in Church Members
Ep. 213: Pastoring people who don't want your ministry

How do you assess your members resistance to your shepherding? What criteria should a pastor do his own assessment in his shepherding of the sheep? At what point can you determine if your members are wounded sheep or goats? What if an individual, family, or couple no longer receive your ministry the way they once did?

Jim and Brian discuss these and much more on this episode of Trenchtalk

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Ep. 138: Shepherding Single Moms

How does a pastor faithfully shepherd single mothers? Are single mothers like and therefore need similar care as widows? What needs can you meet when the resources of your church are sparse? Is there a responsibility for the church to help as matchmaker? If so, what cautions might be needed?

Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more questions on this episode of Trench Talk.

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Celebrating Healthy Sheep

How well do you celebrate the blessings of your sheep? Should there be categories of sheep that are difficult and those that are a blessing? How can we love those who bless us in the way they are faithful and encouraging members? How can we seek to shepherd all of the sheep, even the difficult ones?

Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.

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Shepherding your Harshest Critics

As a pastor, you are unfortunately not absolved from criticism from your flock? How should a pastor discern if the criticism is true or false? What scriptures can we point to in helping receive criticism? How can you determine if the one bringing the criticism is regenerate?

Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.

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Pastoring in an Election Year

Is this the most important election in history? Should a Pastor lead and shepherd his congregation through elections and civic responsibility? Do our marching orders or responsibilities change with a new president? What about when your church is split on social issues? Should you encourage your congregation to vote a certain way?

Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.

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Pursuing Straying Sheep

How can you shepherd those in your congregation who are straying away from the church and perhaps nearing apostatizing? What if a pastor has pursued a person drifting away, and they simply don’t want to return? Is every member who doesn’t attend the regular gathering of the church in danger of apostasy? What if a church member continues in doubt, when is it necessary to pursue church discipline?

Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.

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Pastoring those in different seasons of life

How can a younger pastor shepherd congregants who have more life experiences than him? Is there wisdom that he can provide? What if your church is made up of one age and stage in life? Does biblical wisdom and authority provide help for a pastor without life experiences? Is there a requirement for a pastor to relate with all of his people?

Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.

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Being a Safe Pastor in a Safe Church

How do you pursue being a safe pastor? How do you cultivate a culture of safety and trust when it comes to discussions you have with church members? What role does empathy play in this? How do you pursue your people for their own safety? How does this culture trickle down to the congregation?

Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.

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Pastoral Obligations to Non-Members

What obligations do pastors have to those who attend their church but have not become members? Is he obligated to them? Is church membership biblical? What is the difference between affection and obligation? Will a pastor give an account for non-members?

Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.

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Pastoring through contentious times

Can pastors come to different conclusions on how to navigate the days in which we find ourselves? What biblical guidance do we have to help us navigate what is before us? What about when brothers disagree with contention rather than unity? Should you address this contention through social media? How do we pastor contentious church member?

Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.

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Practical Steps to Reopen your Church

How do we prepare to gather again? What do we need to be thinking about before we reopen? Should your church allow your members to hug, shake hands, etc.? Do you continue children’s or nursery ministry? Do you gather if less than 50% of your church is not attending?

Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.

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Leading our people to be readers of good books

How can pastors encourage members (particularly the men) in their church to read good books? Is “I just don’t read” a good enough excuse? Should a pastor be careful with the books he recommends his members read? What other tips would you give to assist your members in taking in good books?

Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these questions and more on this week’s edition of Trenchtalk.

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Premarital Counseling

Is premarital counseling a biblical requirement? What should a pastors primary goal be when providing biblical premarital counseling to church members? Should a pastor require premarital counseling for couples under his care? What resources (other than the bible) do you take couples through?

All these issues are addressed by Brian Croft and Jim Savastio on this episode of Trenchtalk.

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