Creating an Intentional Preaching Atmosphere

Is there something to setting an intentional ambience surrounding the act of preaching? Should the corporate gathering by one filled with levity or seriousness? Should a church member be relaxed when coming to corporate worship? Is there a point where a pastor directs more attention than he should?

Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.

Show Notes:

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  • (3:10) An atmosphere of Transcendence or Immanence

  • (5:55) A caution against a theatrical environment

  • (8:40) Intentionally, not reactionary, setting the atmosphere

  • (13:15) Accomplishing a purpose in corporate worship through the environment

  • (17:38) A pulpit and dress that hides the preacher and directs the church Godward

  • (22:55) Many benefits to the casual atmosphere of churches

  • (24:00) A generation seeking rich history and a high church experience

  • (25:30) Pastors with a weighty message of eternal realities

  • (27:45) Authority vs. Authoritative

  • (29:20) Final Words