Posts tagged Preaching
Ep. 142: Pastoral Plagiarism in sermons and writing

What is plagiarism? Is plagiarism prevalent in pastoral ministry and preaching in particular? What about ghost writers for authors? If a pastor is too busy to prepare his own sermons should he consider another calling or vocation? Does this mean that we cannot use another preacher’s headings in our sermons?

Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more questions on this episode of Trench Talk.

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Preaching in Weakness

How should a pastor process physical and emotional weaknesses? While weaknesses may hinder ministry, how can pastors be God-centered in embracing weakness? Are there ways pastors can put supports in place for times of weakness? How important is having pastoral friendships to endure weakness?

Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.

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Finding your Preaching Voice

Is it important for a local congregation that their preacher has a unique preaching voice? What does it mean to have a unique preaching voice? Is there value in sounding like other faithful preachers? Isn’t imitation the greatest form of flattery? How does a young developing preacher develop a unique preaching voice?

Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.

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Creating an Intentional Preaching Atmosphere

Is there something to setting an intentional ambience surrounding the act of preaching? Should the corporate gathering by one filled with levity or seriousness? Should a church member be relaxed when coming to corporate worship? Is there a point where a pastor directs more attention than he should?

Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.

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