Ep. 161: Maneuvering through end of year member's meetings

How should pastors communicate in their end of year member’s meeting? When financial givings exceeds expectations, how and who decides what to do with the surplus? What about with a deficit? When dealing with finances how ought pastors walk wisely in discussing or leading in these things?

Listen as Brian and Jim discuss these questions and much more on this episode of Trench Talk.

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Sean CorserComment
Ep. 160: Leading Without Lording

The Church in the 21st century is riddled with member autonomy and authoritarianism from the pulpit. What does Scripture provide as a model for leadership that guards against both? What are practical ways pastors can Lead without Lording? What parameters can be set up to guard against lording over the flock?

Listen as Brian and Jim discuss these questions and much more on this episode of Trench Talk.

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Sean CorserComment
Ep. 153: Preaching when you're not feeling it

What do you do when you are the regular preacher yet sometimes you just don’t feel like preaching? Should we just cease to preach? What do you do when you are scheduled to preach and you have nothing on Saturday? Does not feeling it mean the sermon isn’t working?

Join Brian Croft and Jim Savastio as they discuss these things and much more!

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Sean Corser
Ep. 152: Interview with Doug Logan Pt. 2

Join Brian Croft and special guest Doug Logan of Acts 29 and Grimke Seminary as they discuss theological education, pastoral ministry, urban ministry, Doug’s ministry mentors, and much more on this special 2-part Trenchtalk episode.

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Sean Corser
Ep. 151: Interview with Doug Logan Pt. 1

Join Brian Croft and special guest Doug Logan of Acts 29 and Grimke Seminary as they discuss theological education, pastoral ministry, urban ministry, Doug’s ministry mentors, and much more on this special 2-part Trenchtalk episode.

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Sean Corser
Ep. 150: Evaluating True Conversion

Your a pastor and you aren’t sure how to discern a credible profession of faith, or your a new pastor trying to get a pulse on the spiritual state of your congregation; what questions should I ask, what actions does the Bible say I should I be looking for to evaluate conversion? What fruit is evident, and what are its roots?

Brian and Jim discuss these and much more on this episode of Trenchtalk.

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Ep. 147: Brian and Jim Reflect on hearing their kids interviewed

Raising kids is difficulty no matter what your occupation. Listen as Jim and Brian discuss how hearing their children talk about being pastors kids, and what their relationships with the Lord (and His church) looks like now. They’ll answer questions like: What was it like for Brian and Jim to hear their kids be interviewed by one another? Was there anything their kids said that took them by surprise?

All this and more on this episode of Trenchtalk

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Sean Corser
Ep. 144: Engaging in Cultural Confrontation

Are there topics that you, as a pastor should not confront? Are there topics that, as a pastor, must confront? How are you to know which is which? And what is a helpful and healthy posture of confrontation? What if this issue is not prevalent in your church?

Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more questions on this episode of Trench Talk.

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Sean CorserComment
Ep. 143: Reasons for a Pastor to Leave a Church

When does a pastor know that it is time for him to move on? Are there indicators with his family, calling, or soul that might direct him to do so? Are there ever legitimate reasons to leave? If so, what might some of those be? Where in Scripture do we have a foundation for enduring hardship in ministry?

Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more questions on this episode of Trench Talk.

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Ep. 142: Pastoral Plagiarism in sermons and writing

What is plagiarism? Is plagiarism prevalent in pastoral ministry and preaching in particular? What about ghost writers for authors? If a pastor is too busy to prepare his own sermons should he consider another calling or vocation? Does this mean that we cannot use another preacher’s headings in our sermons?

Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more questions on this episode of Trench Talk.

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