Ep. 201: A first among equals

Is plurality important in a local church? How does a church affirm a first among equals among their pastor/elders? Is it right to use the term Sr. Pastor? How can a pastor cultivate in his church a trust in other pastor/elders? Should a pastor defer to the other pastors?

Jim and Brian discuss these and much more on this episode of Trench Talk.

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Sean Corser
Ep. 200: 50 Years of ministry with Pastors wife Mai Walker

What lessons can be learned in 50 years of ministry? What might be some joys and regrets of a ministry of that length? How might a pastors wife experience ministry differently from her husband? Upon reflection, what lessons can pastors wives learn from a ministry example like this?

Jim and Brian talk with special guest Mai Walker as he shares on this episode of Trenchtalk

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Ep. 199: 50 years of ministry with Austin Walker

What lessons can be learned in 45+ years of ministry? What might be some joys and regrets of a ministry of that length? How might a pastor of this tenure know when it is time to step away? Upon reflection, what lessons can young aspiring pastors learn from a ministry example like this?

Jim and Brian talk with special guest Austin Walker as he shares on this episode of Trenchtalk

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Ep. 192: Battling Shame and Negative Self-Talk

What should a pastor do when he critiques his every word and action? Are pastors operating on depleted reserves of encouragement? What kinds of self-loathing do pastors heap on themselves? How can pastors live in light of the gospel they preach?

Brian and Jim discuss all these and more on this episode of Trenchtalk

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Ep. 191: Pastoring an Established Church

How does a pastor establish his ministry in an already established church? Are there important things a pastor should take on in his first year at an established church? Is it important to distinguish between preferences and convictions?

Jim and Brian discuss these and more on this episode of Trenchtalk.

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Ep. 190: The Billy Graham Rule

Who is Billy Graham and what is “his” rule? How can pastors wrongly and rightly apply the Billy Graham Rule? How can pastors pursue being above reproach? How important is it that pastors care well for the women in their congregation?

Jim and Brian answer all these and more on this episode of Trenchtalk.

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Ep. 189: Pastoral Friendship

Is finding deep friendship difficult for pastors? What unique hurdles are there for finding friends in the church? What are ways pastors can pursue meaningful and needed friends in ministry?

Listen as Brian and Jim discuss this and much more on this episode of Trenchtalk

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Ep. 188: Establishing a Church Membership Process

How can pastors strive to make membership matter in their churches? What aspects of church life are non-members unable to participate in, if any? How can pastors ensure that they shepherd the flock entrusted to them?

All these and much more are discussed by Jim and Brian on this episode of TrenchTalk

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Sean Corser
Ep. 187: Vacation Policies and Profitable Uses

How can a pastor discuss vacation time with his church? What ways should pastors guard their vacation time and time off? Are there different ways pastors can use this time well? Should pastors take all their vacation time each year?

Brian and Jim discuss these questions and much more on this episode of TrenchTalk, the podcast ministry of Practical Shepherding.

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Ep. 186: When Celebrities Pastor Your Church

Are members of your flock following online or celebrity pastors? Do you ever face insecurities in your preaching ministry? How important is the fruit of a ministry of presence? Is God’s design for his church to be primarily through online media?

Jim and Brian discuss all these and more on this episode of Trenchtalk, the podcast ministry of Practical Shepherding

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Ep. 183: Pastors Battling Loneliness

Is loneliness an issue for pastors? What about for those with other staff members? What are ways pastors can proactively pursue meaningful relationships?

Brian and Jim discuss these and many more on this episode of Trenchtalk, the podcast ministry of Practical Shepherding.

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Ep. 182: Preparing and Writing Sermons

How important is preaching in pastoral ministry? Are there differences in preparation when preaching once versus preaching three times a week? What role does application play in preaching? How should pastors consult commentaries and other resources in preparation?

Brian and Jim discuss these topics and much more in this episode of Trenchtalk.

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