Missions Moment: Practical Ways to Care for Missionaries on the Field

By Kellye Carmack

In a previous post, I shared some ideas for how to help missionaries prepare for service. Today I want to focus on how we can care for them while they are on the field. Many missionaries serve in places where they have limited connection to the church. They may even be the only believers in their area, making their home church their only source of support and encouragement. When I was a missionary, I attended a wonderful church in my city and had teammates who cared for me, but it was still necessary to receive support from my home church. Not only was it good for me, but it was also good for them to connect with the work that God was doing in my city. Missionaries are not the only ones taking the gospel to the nations. When the church sends and supports them, we all play a vital role in fulfilling the Great Commission.

There are so many practical ways we can do this and I want to share a few suggestions directly from the mission field.  I asked missionaries from various parts of the world to share the most encouraging ways their home church has supported them. This is by no means an exhaustive list, just a few ideas for how you can care for the missionaries from your church.

“As a single, sometimes it can just be too tiring to plan a holiday and find people to go with you. I heard of one church that sent over two ladies to go on a week holiday with a worker so she didn’t have to experience another vacation by herself. They encouraged and loved on her so much.”  - Julie C

“Our home church in Virginia is sending a team in three weeks.  We are so excited because they will serve in a specific ministry while here, but their main focus is to encourage, support, and worship with us in our home country.”  - Chris

“My small group sent me a box with notes of encouragement, Scripture, and some American food items that were very thoughtful. I read those notes over and over again when things were hard or I was discouraged” -Brianna

“Work had not to forget your missionaries. Prayers are always appreciated. Send small gifts if your missionaries can’t get special things. For example, chocolate chips for Christmas!” -Tammy

“New members of my church introduced themselves to me through email or social media. When I came home, I had already started building a relationship with them. My church had grown significantly while I was overseas, and it was nice to be familiar with some of the new faces.” - K

“The second-most encouraging thing my church did for me while I was overseas was to send me an amazing Christmas box, with lots of American treats I couldn't get in my country, Christmas cards from individual friends (carefully worded because of security concerns), and even some Christmas piano music! As amazing as that box was though, the greatest way my church has encouraged me has been through prayer—I loved hearing regularly from friends at my church (not only from the leaders) that they really did pray for me at church every week.” - Elizabeth

What ideas do you have? How have you cared from missionaries from your church or if you are a missionary, how has your church cared for you? We would love to hear your ideas!

Kellye is the Women’s Ministry Director for Practical Shepherding Women’s Ministry. She has an undergraduate degree in Biblical Studies and a master’s degree in Biblical Counseling. She served as a missionary in Western Europe for two years helping to share the hope of Christ with women in difficult situations. While in seminary, she met her husband Craig who is an associate pastor at their church in Louisville, KY. She loves helping women discover the unique ways God has gifted them to serve the church.