Posts tagged Kellye Carmack
Dear Pastor’s Wife, Have Fun

by Kellye Carmack

Many ministry families give up their hobbies and passions to spend more time doing ministry, but the things that bring you joy may be the exact things that God uses to minister through you. I’m not saying there won’t be sacrifices that we have to make for our church, but don’t sacrifice something that God may want to use. The same God who knit you together with your passions, called you to ministry, and He wants to use all of you for His glory.

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When the Lies of the Enemy Distract You

By Kellye Carmack

It feels easier for us to believe that Jesus rose from the dead than to believe that He will work all things out for our good. Friend, this is what I want you to remember: If Jesus really rose from the dead, then everything else He says is true. He promised he would rise from the dead, just like he promised to give you all things for life and godliness, just like He promised to never leave you or forsake you, just like He promised to provide for all your needs.

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God Will Give Us More: Our Unfulfilled Desires in Ministry

By Kellye Carmack

I’ve had a lot of experience with unmet desires, with years of praying and longing but not receiving. Like our foster child, I’ve known what I wanted, and it has looked so good. I’ve been certain it would be the best thing for me, and I have been angry with God for not agreeing with me. I’ve spent a good bit of time trying to interpret and understand my losses through the lens of Scripture.

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Jesus’s Resurrection and Our Living Hope

By Kellye Carmack

If you are in the middle of a difficult season, let me encourage you to meditate on the resurrection of Jesus. Be encouraged and find joy in the victory that He won for you when He was raised from the dead. God has saved us. He will sustain our faith until the end, and He will save us in the end. Our hope in Christ is a full assurance that God is going to do good for us. He fills our earthly homes with hope and praise. He is filling our Heavenly home with a beautiful, everlasting inheritance. It’s an absolute guarantee.

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Conflict in Ministry: Questions to Ask Yourself

By Kellye Carmack

Conflict is inevitable in Christian circles but in Christ, peace and reconciliation are always possible. The love of Jesus covers over the multitude of sins that we commit against each other. His grace is sufficient for all of us. Battles within our churches are disheartening but be encouraged—Christ won the victory before the battle even began.

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Missions Moment: Practical Ways to Care for Missionaries on the Field

By Kellye Carmack

There are so many practical ways to accomplish the great commission and I want to share a few suggestions directly from the mission field. I asked missionaries from various parts of the world to share the most encouraging ways their home church has supported them. While this list is by no means exhaustive, just a few ideas for how you can care for the missionaries from your church. Read them and be encouraged.

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Ministry Wife: Look for the Gifts

Ministry wives, as we wrap up a month that sometimes makes us painfully aware of our shortcomings and perceived failures in ministry, we encourage you to look for the gifts. If you’re really struggling right now, consider making an actual list of the gifts God has given you in your ministry. Dig deep. Think of ways God has sprinkled in spots of joy into your ministry, even on the toughest days. Thank Him for sustaining you thus far, and pray for Him to keep upholding you as you serve Him by serving your church. He loves you, He sees you, and your ministry matters to Him.

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Songs of Encouragement: Great is Thy Faithfulness

By Kellye Carmack

The hymns we sing in our childhood — and the ones you teach your children— plant a seed that can produce fruit throughout our lives. “Great is Thy Faithfulness” has helped me bear the fruits of love, joy, peace, and faithfulness even when the season I’m in feels barren and dry. Singing hymns can spur us on in perseverance as they draw our wandering minds back in the direction of trusting and following God.

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Perseverance in Prayer

By Kellye Carmack

A friend recently shared with me that she had grown complacent in her prayer life. Where she once felt a passion and excitement for prayer she now felt tired and unmotivated. Knowing that prayer is pivotal for her ministry and personal growth she was desperate to get out of what she called a “prayerless rut”. “What do you do,” she asked, “when you don’t feel like praying?”

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