Examining our Hearts: Reflection Questions for Pastors’ Wives

By Kellye Carmack

It’s the end of summer, and we are moving into a new season. We are so close to cooler weather, bright colored leaves, and pumpkin spice everything taking over our kitchens. Perhaps it’s cliche to romanticize the coming of autumn, but the change is coming‑and for many, it’s a welcome change. I’m happy to trade my bathing suit and beach towel for boots and sweaters. I can’t wait to trade the heavy humidity for a cool, refreshing breeze. I love the structure and schedule that comes with the end of vacation and the start of the school year. So many things change when summer turns to fall, including our ministry and our church.

As a pastor’s family, this time of year means you are likely experiencing a change of “seasons” in your ministry. Vacation Bible School is over, and empty pews are filling up again as church members come back from summer vacations. This transition is a good time to stop and do a ministry and personal check-in.

Taking time to examine our hearts, our work, and our relationships at church can be a good habit for a ministry family. One way to do that is with reflection questions. I love reflection questions. They’re like prodding little friends who pull the hidden mess of our hearts into the light. Growth requires some evaluation, and asking good questions can help us evaluate our lives and bring them in line with God’s Word. Today, I want to offer some questions that can help us gauge how we are doing in the areas of loving and serving our church family.

Reflection Questions

  • How have I talked about my church members to my family and friends?

  • In what ways have I served or led in my church in this last season?

  • What would I like to go back and do differently?

  • When I look at my church family, what good and beautiful things do I see?

  • How has my church served and cared for me? How did I receive their love and care?

  • Is there a specific need in my church that God is calling me to meet?

  • Is there a role or responsibility that I am currently filling that God is calling me to step away from?

  • Who is God calling me to care for and love in this next season?

  • What are a few things I can do to grow in my love for my church?

  • What are a few things I can do to cultivate love and unity among church members?

I hope that working through these questions is a fruitful exercise for your spiritual formation. As you begin your next chapter of ministry, please know that we are here for you. If you would like to talk with a mentor about how you can grow in your love for you church or in your specific ministry role, please contact us. We are available and would love to meet you.

Kellye is the Women’s Ministry Director for Practical Shepherding Women’s Ministry. She has an undergraduate degree in Biblical Studies and a master’s degree in Biblical Counseling. She served as a missionary in Western Europe for two years helping to share the hope of Christ with women in difficult situations. While in seminary, she met her husband Craig who is an associate pastor at their church in Louisville, KY. She loves helping women discover the unique ways God has gifted them to serve the church.