Posts in Encouragement
A Psalm for the Day: Psalm 18

By Cara Croft

My dear sister, not only can it be true—it is true. You are worth delighting in. You are being rescued. God sees you, He hears your cries, and He takes delight in caring for you.

Please stop and take a moment. Don’t scroll on to the next blog or the next blog post/podcast/book/sermon/etc. Stop, take a breath and let it sink in for one moment that God delights in you and he will rescue you from whatever it is that is threatening to drown you today.

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Ministry Wife: You Are Seen

By Cara Croft

As a child, I remember watching my pastor’s wife. For some reason I was fascinated with all she did. She was a woman who played the piano on Sunday mornings, she taught classes on various crafts that she enjoyed, she organized women’s social events and she sat on the front pew at every service. Yet for all of my watching her, I did not “see” her.

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Ministry Wife: Your Ministry Matters

By Glenna Marshall

From where I sit, most of my ministry as a pastor’s wife has been unseen. If you asked church members what it is that I actually do, they’d likely reply with the things that are visible: I play the piano every Sunday, I volunteer at our weekly outreach program to kids in our community, I get the bulletins ready each week. Simple, visible stuff.

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Serving When You're Lonely

By Glenna Marshall

There is a certain extent to which you can be sure that ministry will be lonely. And yet, I think most of us in ministry don’t necessarily want to quit because of that loneliness. I truly don’t want my husband to step away from ministry; I love that we get to serve the Lord in the local church. The joys of ministry outweigh the wounds. But the wounds do hurt. So, how do we serve Christ when we feel that persistent ache for friendship? Here are some things I’ve learned in my own ministry as well as from other, more experienced pastors’ wives.

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