Posts in Pastor's Wife
Lessons From Ten Years in Ministry

By Liz Roy

Ministry wife, take heart and know that God is growing you too. Maybe the lessons God has taught me will spur you on to think about what He has been teaching you through vocational ministry. And may the lessons learned for all of us not only settle in our minds as information, but may these lessons transform us to be more like our Savior as we journey together.

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Receiving Criticism in Ministry

By Glenna Marshall

Though that awkward dinner took place more than a decade ago, I’ve never forgotten the wisdom my friend spoke to me over lunch the next day. I’ve had many occasions to apply her advice in my relationships within the Church. When we are given candid (and sometimes hurtful) criticism from another believer, there are few things we need to do on these occasions.

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Weep With Those Who Weep

By Cara Croft

Here is the truth: the bereaved are already thinking about their loved ones who have died, and they need us to ask about them. They don’t need solutions or answers. They need someone to walk with them in their mourning. They need someone to listen and lament with them. They need someone with whom they can share their stories. They need someone to hold sacred space and be a quiet presence of our loving God.

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Staying the Course When the Pews are Empty

By Glenna Marshall

If you’re feeling discouraged today over what is likely a season of low attendance and involvement, stay the course. Resolve to regularly thank the Lord for your church, to pray and reach out to them, and to remember that whatever you do in life and ministry, you do for the glory of God, not man. You are never more like Jesus than when you persevere with faithfulness through the trials and sufferings of this life. He has promised to aid you in that faithfulness, and He will help you stay the course.

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The Ministry of Presence

By Glenna Marshall

When I realized that my hope must be in Christ and not other’s opinions of me, I stopped praying for my church to love me back and began praying that they would love Jesus the most. It is unfair to hang our contentment on the people with whom we worship and serve; they were never meant to be the anchor for our hope. Only Christ can shoulder the weight of our souls’ satisfaction.

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The Pandemic and Pastors’ Wives

By Kellye Carmack

This pandemic has been like a never-ending tornado, disturbing or destroying everything it touches. We all know the church has been hit in different ways. Congregations have lost beloved members to COVID and have seen others become seriously ill. As services and meetings have decreased, church members feel disconnected and frustrated.

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Friendship Within the Church

By Cara Croft

So, what are some of the limitations with friendships within the church? I think we need to start with the fact that there are some topics we cannot talk about with church members. We risk causing division in our churches if we are discussing other members or complaining about decisions being made (among other things that we need to talk about regarding the church). These conversations are best had with a safe friend who is outside the situation. The other part of this is that we often need people on the outside to help bring some prospective as to what it is we need to share.

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A Psalm for the Day: Psalm 18

By Cara Croft

My dear sister, not only can it be true—it is true. You are worth delighting in. You are being rescued. God sees you, He hears your cries, and He takes delight in caring for you.

Please stop and take a moment. Don’t scroll on to the next blog or the next blog post/podcast/book/sermon/etc. Stop, take a breath and let it sink in for one moment that God delights in you and he will rescue you from whatever it is that is threatening to drown you today.

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To Love Your Church, Pray for Your Church

By Glenna Marshall

Prayer binds my heart to my church. It protects me from bitterness. It helps me to view my congregation as family, to step outside my own little world and serve others, to value their faithfulness to Jesus more than our “successful” ministry. Developing a habit of prayer takes time, and prayer itself takes time. But the investment is never wasted. While you might be praying for the Lord to change your church, you can be sure that He will use prayer to change you.

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Between Winter and Summer: Longing for Fruitfulness in Ministry

By Glenna Marshall

The friend seemed reluctant to admit it, but he told my husband that every day of ministry for him thus far had been sweet. “It’s like every day is summer,” he said. I remember how that statement mystified my husband. His friend had exuded excitement and passion about his church, but we were completely worn down and burned out.

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Ministry Wife: Look for the Gifts

Ministry wives, as we wrap up a month that sometimes makes us painfully aware of our shortcomings and perceived failures in ministry, we encourage you to look for the gifts. If you’re really struggling right now, consider making an actual list of the gifts God has given you in your ministry. Dig deep. Think of ways God has sprinkled in spots of joy into your ministry, even on the toughest days. Thank Him for sustaining you thus far, and pray for Him to keep upholding you as you serve Him by serving your church. He loves you, He sees you, and your ministry matters to Him.

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