Posts in COVID-19
"I Miss My Church"

By Kellye Carmack

as believers we have been adopted into one family. We are brothers and sisters who share the common bond of being raised to new life in Christ. A new life and a new family where grace and love can abound because we are the children of the God who is love. Through His church, God gives us the gifts of experiencing His rich love and mercies if we will just open our hands to receive.

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The Pandemic and Pastors’ Wives

By Kellye Carmack

This pandemic has been like a never-ending tornado, disturbing or destroying everything it touches. We all know the church has been hit in different ways. Congregations have lost beloved members to COVID and have seen others become seriously ill. As services and meetings have decreased, church members feel disconnected and frustrated.

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Meant to Be Together: A Reflection on Reopening Our Church

By Glenna Marshall

It’s been a strange, stressful three months for the church. If I’ve learned anything, it’s that we were not meant to be apart. Three weeks ago, our church began meeting in the parking lot—first in our cars and then in lawn chairs. That first week in the parking lot, I heard the distinct voices of my church family as we sang “The Doxology” at the end of the service, and tears welled up in my eyes. I couldn’t sing around the knot in my throat. On March 15th, a reprieve from church felt a little like a vacation following some ministry burnout. But, standing in the shade of the big trees in front of our church building so many weeks later, I listened to the voices nearest me, and I realized why even an outdoor service felt like a gift all these weeks later: we were meant to be together.

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