Posts in Expectations
Receiving Criticism in Ministry

By Glenna Marshall

Though that awkward dinner took place more than a decade ago, I’ve never forgotten the wisdom my friend spoke to me over lunch the next day. I’ve had many occasions to apply her advice in my relationships within the Church. When we are given candid (and sometimes hurtful) criticism from another believer, there are few things we need to do on these occasions.

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Messy Motherhood: Parenting in the Church Pew

By Glenna Marshall

What we get, in parenting, are human children who struggle with sinfulness and obedience just like we do. It’s humbling to be the mom in the grocery store whose kid is wailing with all his might while demanding the Spiderman toy you refused to buy. You can feel every eye on you as you try to diffuse the situation without melting into the floor. Even worse if it’s a church sanctuary instead of a grocery store!

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Expectations and the Pastor's Kid

By Kellye Carmack

Pastors want to be faithful with the work that has been entrusted to them but many times this desire to be faithful is met with conflicting views of their plans and decisions. Those expectations can feel like added weight as they try to move forward. Expectations from the church often also extend to the pastor’s wife. Though there is no specific biblical role for her, she likely feels there are specific standards she must meet. Few other careers go as far as ministry in putting pressure and expectations on the whole family. That includes the pastor’s kid.

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You’re Just One Person

Churches have varying expectations of their ministry wives. And dear ministry wife—because you’re just one person, you’re going to fail to meet the myriad of expectations that an entire congregation of people have for you. The fear of becoming a failure in their eyes or of somehow damaging your husband’s ministry can weaken your resolve to set healthy boundaries for you and your family.

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