Deeper Still: An Invitation to Savor the Season

By Kellye Carmack

Every year I long to make the most of the Christmas season. As the holidays approach and I hang strings of white lights on my tree, I imagine a month of meditating on the birth of Jesus. I imagine early morning devotions and slower evenings of reflection. I anticipate the hope and joy I may feel as I spend more time looking deeply at God coming in flesh to our broken world. Every year I make my plans to savor the season, but often I rush through the craze of shopping, decorating and events. I end up scarfing down the truths that I would rather slowly and intentionally savor.

This month on the blog we want to offer you a few practical ways to savor the birth of Jesus. We pray that each post in this Christmas series will lead you in a few moments of worship as you reflect on Christ this season.

Today, I want to invite you listen to this spoken word poem from Pippa Baker. Take a few moments to listen. I pray that you find rest and peace as you listen to the beautiful message of Christmas.

“The King of the universe came for me, came for you and He’s coming back once more.” - Pippa Baker

Kellye is the Women’s Ministry Director for Practical Shepherding Women’s Ministry. She has an undergraduate degree in Biblical Studies and a master’s degree in Biblical Counseling. She served as a missionary in Western Europe for two years helping to share the hope of Christ with women in difficult situations. While in seminary, she met her husband Craig who is an associate pastor at their church in Louisville, KY. She loves helping women discover the unique ways God has gifted them to serve the church.