Posts tagged Women's Ministry
Blessed to Be Burden-Bearers

By Glenna Marshall

After nearly two decades of walking with church members through the most memorable moments of their lives, I’ve come to believe that it is an honor to be a burden-bearer. Even when ministry has been tense because of criticism or misunderstandings, we can put those things aside in a moment of crisis and just be present with our people. Presence is what they need from us.

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A Wide Door for Ministry

By Glenna Marshall

God is sovereign over our lives. He has ordained all of our days, our ministries, the churches where we’ll serve, and the people who fill the pews each week. He sees the isolation that ministry families often feel. He knows about every stinging comment you’ve received, and He’s aware of the way your heart hurts. He knows that on some Sundays, church doesn’t feel like a very safe place for you. And He is with you when you walk in and offer a smile and a hug though everything in you wanted to stay home.

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Contentment in a Difficult Ministry

By Glenna Marshall

Ministry isn’t a race. It’s not a sprint through a few tough Sundays and a fast-approaching finish line where we bask in the glow of our successes. No, ministry is life of slow plodding in quiet faithfulness, trusting Jesus for every step. Ministry involves dying to your dreams, standing firm through trials, and entrusting every endeavor to Christ.

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Practical Postcards: How do I thrive in ministry after being hurt?

Each month we will answer a question from a reader as a part of our new “Practical Postcards” series. The questions asked for today’s post are: “How do we thrive in serving Jesus?”, “How do you get through the pain and move on”, and “How do you stop doubting what God has for you after being hurt so badly and unfairly?”

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Rooted in Christ

Throughout all the changes, He stayed and He was the same. Every day and in every place. When I went to a new church or anxiously walked into an unfamiliar school, He was ahead of me and, at the same time, right next to me. In those years of transition I grew in the sweet assurance that I was rooted in Christ. 

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Space and Time

I am human. It is that simple. I was made to need time and space because I was made within a constraint of time and space. I am human, I am not God. Only God is outside the realm of time and space. Yet that is not how he created humanity. He created us to be limited in time and resources. He created us with a need for rest and space to regain our resources. He created us with bodies and minds that break down and need to rest, with a soul that requires withdrawing to the lonely places to pray.

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What is Practical Shepherding's Women's Ministry?

There are a growing number of women in ministry roles. Gifted female leaders and teachers are blessing the church with their gifts and wisdom. The single woman who has moved across the world to share the gospel is challenging the church with her courage. The woman leading worship has set aside her own career goals to serve the church. The Christian writer who wakes up hours before her family to labor over words and paragraphs she hopes will help others understand Scripture with greater clarity.

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