Christmas and Ministry

Glenna Marshall

Christmas time can be overwhelming for ministry families. The church calendar is full, the family calendar is full, and for those who have moved away from biological family to serve the church, there’s a lot of travel to factor in. If you’re like me, Christmas can feel more exhausting than exhilarating. It’s not uncommon for me to enter the holiday season feeling overwhelmed by the pace at which December will fly by. There have been years when I felt like I missed Christmas because of all the church functions and travel to see family.

I’ve had to be intentional to find moments to focus on Jesus so that I don’t miss the purpose of the Advent season. Much of that time is found in my personal Bible reading time. It’s early in the morning when my family still sleeps—sometimes the only quiet, still hour of my day. But, I’ve found it to be crucial to spend time with the Lord so that my spiritual cup is filled and my eyes are fixed on Him rather than all the to-do’s on my Christmas list.

Here’s what I’m reminding myself this Christmas:

If Jesus had never been born in Bethlehem, we wouldn’t be in ministry. If He had not stepped into human history to fix our problem of sin and separation from God, we wouldn’t be in ministry. If He hadn’t lived a perfect life and taken the path to the cross, we wouldn’t be in ministry. If He hadn’t died in my place for my sins, we wouldn’t be in ministry. If He hadn’t been raised again on the third day with victory over sin, Satan, and death, we wouldn’t be in ministry. If He hadn’t sent His Spirit to live in every believer, we wouldn’t be in ministry. If He hadn’t commissioned His disciples to make more disciples of every nation, we wouldn’t be in ministry. If He hadn’t promised to return for His church and take us home with Him, we wouldn’t be in ministry.

Jesus is not just the reason for the season, He is the reason we serve the local church. He is the reason we study and prepare, serve and love, show up and give the gift of our presence to our people. He is the reason we say “yes” to what He asks us to do. He is the reason we give our lives to make Him known. He is our reason and purpose for life!

If you’re struggling to prepare your heart for the celebration of Christmas, remember Jesus. He is your why in all that you do for the church. If you’re wondering how to focus more on Him rather than the busyness of the season, I’d like to challenge you to make sure you’re spending some time in Scripture each day. Read through the book of 1 John over the next couple of weeks and ask yourself just two questions each day:

What do I learn about Jesus from this passage?

How does that encourage me in ministry?

Our prayer for you at Practical Shepherding Women is that you would remember that Christmas and ministry is for you, too. You’re not merely a cog in a wheel of service and work. You matter to the Lord. Your rest and renewal are important. Your spiritual growth is crucial. God doesn’t just love everyone else in the church. He loves you, too. Turning your eyes to Jesus each day will help you to see things as they really are.

Glenna Marshall is married to her pastor, William, and lives in rural Southeast Missouri where she tries and fails to keep up with her two energetic sons. She is the author of The Promise is His Presence: Why God is Always Enough (P&R), Everyday Faithfulness: The Beauty of Ordinary Perseverance in a Demanding World (Crossway), and (Forthcoming) Memorizing Scripture: Basics, Blessings, and Benefits of Meditating on God’s Word (Moody Publishers).