Posts tagged Prayer
To Love Your Church, Pray for Your Church

By Glenna Marshall

Prayer binds my heart to my church. It protects me from bitterness. It helps me to view my congregation as family, to step outside my own little world and serve others, to value their faithfulness to Jesus more than our “successful” ministry. Developing a habit of prayer takes time, and prayer itself takes time. But the investment is never wasted. While you might be praying for the Lord to change your church, you can be sure that He will use prayer to change you.

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Perseverance in Prayer

By Kellye Carmack

A friend recently shared with me that she had grown complacent in her prayer life. Where she once felt a passion and excitement for prayer she now felt tired and unmotivated. Knowing that prayer is pivotal for her ministry and personal growth she was desperate to get out of what she called a “prayerless rut”. “What do you do,” she asked, “when you don’t feel like praying?”

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