Ep. 263: Feeling enslaved to the study
How long should a pastor spend preparing his sermon? What elements require more or less time? What practical steps can pastors take to utilize their time more faithfully?
Brian and Jim discuss these questions and much more on this episode of Trench Talk.
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Ep. 262: Am I called to be a missionary or pastor?
What gifts are unique to pastoring versus being a missionary? What role does the congregation play in helping someone discern their calling? Might pastoring first serve a person before being sent to do missions?
Brian and Jim discuss these and much more on this episode of Trench talk.
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Ep. 261: Planning for the next pastor
When does a pastor start to prepare for his transition? What responsibility does he have in helping his flock find another shepherd? Is there a unique challenge if you are a solo pastor versus a plurality?
Jim and Brian discuss planning for the next pastor on this episode of Trench Talk.
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Ep. 260: Walking with the Grieving
How should pastors care for grieving church members before, during, and after the funeral of a loved one? What questions should pastors ask to care for practical needs of those who are grieving? How important is being there for church members in their grief?
Brian and Jim discuss these questions and more on this episode of Trench talk
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Ep. 259: Caring for seasonal visitors
What practical steps can ministry leaders care for seasonal visitors? How can they encourage their church to excel in hospitality with visitors? What about those who don’t intend to join the church?
Brian and Jim address these questions and more on this episode of Trench Talk.
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Ep. 258: The Kingdom-minded Pastor with Joel Littlefield
How does a church appropriate missions giving? How can pastors lead their congregation to be strategic and intentional in missions giving? How can a church prioritize giving when church funds are limited? How do you determine who receives support and who doesn’t?
Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.
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Ep. 257: Decisions around missions giving
How does a church appropriate missions giving? How can pastors lead their congregation to be strategic and intentional in missions giving? How can a church prioritize giving when church funds are limited? How do you determine who receives support and who doesn’t?
Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.
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Ep. 256: The pastor and counseling the flock
What responsibility does a pastor bear to shepherd his flock through counseling? How can a pastor engage in the ministry of counseling? What pressures might hinder a pastor in counseling?
Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.
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Ep. 255: Advancing the Church
Introducing Advancing the Church (ATC) and what is it? Who is involved in ATC and are we looking to add more organizations? Why do we think a coalition like ATC is necessary and why now? How can pastors, partners, planters support ATC?
Brian Croft is joined by Steve Bray of Mile one Mission and Matthew Spandler-Davison of 20schemes to discuss this important coalition of ministries on this episode of Trench Talk.
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Ep. 254: Pastors and Reading Books
Why is it important for pastors to read books? What types of books do Brian and Jim recommend?
Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.
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Ep. 253: The Peril of Pastoral Perfectionism
Why do pastors struggle with perfectionism? How can a pastor be self aware of his perfectionism, but also combat it? Does our pursuing perfectionism affect us or those around us?
Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.
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Ep. 252: Dealing with Pastoral wounds
What are common ministry wounds a pastor might receive? How vital is it that pastors respond to these wounds rightly? What practical ways can pastors show faithfulness in ministering amidst hurt?
Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.
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Ep. 251: Revitalizing or Revitalized?
What questions should a pastor be asking to discern if his church is becoming more healthy? What important elements of a church should a pastor be looking at to measure health? Do finances play a role in church health?
Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.
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Ep. 250: The Unhurried Pastor
How vital is it for pastors to be unhurried in their ministry? Where did the premise for The Unhurried Pastor come from? What elements of being hurried do Brian and Ronnie address in the book?
Brian Croft and guest Ronnie Martin address these, and many more questions on this episode of Trench Talk.
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Ep. 249: Where should a pastor live?
Is it more important to live closer to your building or your people? How do Brian and Jim feel about the benefits and burdens of a parsonage? What are practical considerations a pastor should think through about their housing?
Brian Croft and Jim Savastio answer these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.
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Ep. 248: Pastors caring for other pastors with Ronnie Martin
What does Harbor Network do to care for pastors? What are common hardships that pastors are facing? How can pastors develop a resiliency to stay in a hard place? What words of encouragement do pastors need today?
Brian Croft and Ronnie Martin address these, and many more on this episode of Trench Talk.
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Ep. 247: Pastors fixing what we break
When does a pastor have to take responsibility for his problems? How can he identify what needs to be changed and how should he go about making those changes?
Brian and Jim answer these questions and more on this episode of Trench Talk.
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Ep. 246: Caring for those with Mental disabilities
How can your church become a caring church for those with disabilities? What practical steps might you need to take to care for those with physical disabilities? How might you instruct and train your church to be welcoming to those with disabilities? How do you care not only for the one with the disability, but also for the family?
Brian and Jim answer these questions and more on this episode of Trench Talk
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Ep. 245: Caring for the sick and dying
What practical tips do Brian and Jim have for making hospital visits? What are musts when visiting members in the hospital? What fears might a pastor need to overcome to minister faithfully in a hospital context?
Brian and Jim discuss these questions and more on this episode of Trench Talk.
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Ep. 244: Managing Expectations
What do pastors do and what do members expect them to be doing? What does the Bible expect and require for pastors to do? How can pastors guard against unhealthy expectations?
Brian and Jim discuss these and much more on this episode of Trench Talk.
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