Can I Have Friends in Ministry?

By Liz Roy

Seeking out friendships within the church is a lot like cultivating a garden. As we tend to the garden of our hearts, our spiritual eyes begin to open to the variety of friends God may be bringing into our lives.Here are some exhortations to keep in mind as you pray and look for the friends God may be providing in your life.

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Weak Vessels, Strong God

By Glenna Marshall

Maybe your weakness isn’t a physical thorn. Maybe it’s mental. Or maybe it’s your backstory, your pre-conversion tale. Maybe it’s the sin that once held you in a suffocating vise. Maybe you speak of it as often as possible so it loses its power every time you back it up against the power of the gospel. Or maybe, like me, your thorn crops up when you need it the least and you wonder how in the world you will accomplish the good work God has set before you. This is the place, friend. This is where He delights in displaying His power–right in the middle of your weakest weakness. He will not share His glory with another, but He will gladly display it in you.

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Hidden Vulnerabilities

By Christine Hoover

When pastors’ wives confess in survey after survey that they are lonely, I think more often than not they’re expressing the isolation they feel that is a natural consequence of their hidden vulnerabilities. By “natural consequence,” I mean there are many things that remain under the surface of our relationships because they can’t be explained in words; they can only be experienced by those in our shoes. In addition, there are some things that must remain under the surface—unsaid and unacknowledged—because this best honors God, our husband, and people in our church.

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Sean Corser Comment
Blessed to Be Burden-Bearers

By Glenna Marshall

After nearly two decades of walking with church members through the most memorable moments of their lives, I’ve come to believe that it is an honor to be a burden-bearer. Even when ministry has been tense because of criticism or misunderstandings, we can put those things aside in a moment of crisis and just be present with our people. Presence is what they need from us.

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Dear Pastor’s Wife, Have Fun

by Kellye Carmack

Many ministry families give up their hobbies and passions to spend more time doing ministry, but the things that bring you joy may be the exact things that God uses to minister through you. I’m not saying there won’t be sacrifices that we have to make for our church, but don’t sacrifice something that God may want to use. The same God who knit you together with your passions, called you to ministry, and He wants to use all of you for His glory.

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A Wide Door for Ministry

By Glenna Marshall

God is sovereign over our lives. He has ordained all of our days, our ministries, the churches where we’ll serve, and the people who fill the pews each week. He sees the isolation that ministry families often feel. He knows about every stinging comment you’ve received, and He’s aware of the way your heart hurts. He knows that on some Sundays, church doesn’t feel like a very safe place for you. And He is with you when you walk in and offer a smile and a hug though everything in you wanted to stay home.

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No Record of Wrong

By Glenna Marshall

Because the Spirit lives in me (and you), we can love the church! Not perfectly, and not all the time. Sin is still a present reality in this life. But, with time and growth and the faithful, sanctifying work of Christ, the love that Paul writes about will grow in our hearts as the Spirit keeps His word to make us more like Jesus.

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When the Lies of the Enemy Distract You

By Kellye Carmack

It feels easier for us to believe that Jesus rose from the dead than to believe that He will work all things out for our good. Friend, this is what I want you to remember: If Jesus really rose from the dead, then everything else He says is true. He promised he would rise from the dead, just like he promised to give you all things for life and godliness, just like He promised to never leave you or forsake you, just like He promised to provide for all your needs.

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Struggling in Ministry? Go to the Psalms.

By Glenna Marshall

If you are struggling through a difficult season of ministry, I encourage you to spend some time in the middle of your Bible. Read the psalms, memorize them, study them, sing them, pray them, journal them. And follow the path that the psalmists do: lament your troubles before the Lord—but then remember His past faithfulness to you. Make a list if you must! He was faithful to you in the past, and He will continue to be faithful to you no matter what. While He may not end your trial when you want Him to, He will be with you through it. He sees. He knows.

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